Bottled Forest
Dr Qing Li the expert on forest medicine conducted experiment with essential oils in a hotel room and measured level of phytoncides emitted from diffusion. His result was conclusive that by diffusing essential oils in a room with closed door & windows we can indeed bottled forest into our homes.
"We speculate that aromatic volatile substances from trees including monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes called phytoncides, such as alpha-pinene and limonene may play an important role. Bottled forest only provide approximately 50% of effect compared to mother nature. Get out to nature to benefit 100%."
The Art and Science of Forest Bathing

Making your bottled Forest
Bottling your forest you will need minimum 3 essential oils & blend them together. You will need to purchase some equipments to do this.
1. Glass bottles. Make sure they are either brown, blue or brown. Do not use clear glass as exposure to sunlight will damange your blend fairly quickly.
2. Ultra sonic diffuser if you don't already have one. There are quite a wide variety out there. My favorite are Muji's diffuser inexpensive, effective and last for a long time. Mine is over 5 years old.
3. Essential oils that are classified as alpha-pinene & limonene.
Some popular alpha-pinene and limonene essential oils
Alpha-pinene oils
Black Spruce
Juniper Berry
Hinoki (Japanese Cypress)
Limonene oils
Citrus oils
Suggested blends. Mix into 10 ml glass bottles. Allow blends to sit for over 24 hours before use. Depending on the side of your diffuser you can use between 5 to 10 drops each time to diffuse.

Forest Amber
Rosemary - 50 drops
Frankincense - 50 drops
Tea Tree - 10 drops

Rainforest Breakaway
Copaiba - 50 drops
Cedarwood - 30 drops
Lime - 20 drops

Tropical Forest
Lemon - 30 drops
Lime - 20 drops
Douglas Fir - 30 drops
Peppermint - 20 drops

Sun Kisses
Juniper Berry - 50 drops
Wild Orange - 30 drops
Grapefruit - 40 drops

Falling Rain
Clary Sage - 50 drops
Bergamot - 20 drops
Lavender - 30 drops

Morning Dew
Clary Sage - 60 drops
Juniper Berry - 40 drops
Ylang-Ylang - 20 drops